10 1/2 years later..

January 5, 2023

Tonight at work I have NOTHING to do. Not one job. So I thought maybe I could write. But really what do I write about? My life has changed so much since my last blog post.

I have married my best friend. The person who knows everything about me. Who knows all the good. Bad. Ugly. Feels and fears. This year we will have been married for 9 years! 9. Years. Crazy huh?! My partner volunteers like a mad person. Takes on too much but I love them for that. I will always have their back! They love all the peeps and even the ones that drive everyone batty. Our amazing daughter is almost 15. She rides the city bus. Has a job. Fricken loves school and rocks it’s socks off.

We have some of the closest friends I think I ever have had. It’s amazing. Having a couple who understand and respect family and time is awesome.

I am waiting for a call (any day now) for top surgery. This part of my life I am so excited about. I am nervous because I have never had surgery. BUT THIS IS IT. I GET THOSES THINGS CUT OFF SINCE I HAVE had to wear a bra in the 3rd grade (looking back it probably should of been sooner lol, but no one was getting one of those things on me).
I can’t wait to see what and how my life changes just with this one surgery. Everyday I wear essentially 3 shirts. My binder, tshirt and whatever work shirt.
I had another person “punch” my chest tonight. Just as a joke but my dysphoria is heightened because they noticed something was different. But I am just trying to not think about it. Breathe Elliot.

I work full time at a factory. I am a team lead for standup drivers and I really like my job. Just a lot of days people suck. We are weekend trailering people and it’s the best! It’s a home away from home.
Some days I want more. A better job. More money. A saving account. Lol. And it’s hard. I look back a lot and think what if….. what if I would of done this or finished that or joined that. But I wouldn’t be where I am right now in life. And I am genuinely happy. I let life get to me too much and I get too stressed about stuff. That is something I am committed on working on this year. I also need to do more for me. Not in an asshole kinda way but to keep my mind healthy. I am going to read a book this year. Maybe two! Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. Lol

So ya. Life has been busy. Amazing. Challenging. Full of laughing. Love. Learning. Teaching. Being taught. And most importantly family.

I hope to write back sooner then 10 years!

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